🔥How to choose the right Leader or are you a Leader? Performance x Trust

Jeff Cechinel
3 min readDec 13, 2021


After building many teams, there is always that question, “Who should I assign as my leader, could be Technical leader, Functional leader or Test Leader depending on the situation and team”, I think I may have found the answer or at least a good way to make a rational decision.

There is always that question, “Who should I assign as my leader, could be Technical leader, Functional leader or Test Leader depending on the situation and team”

If you are a member of the team, there is always that thought about if you are doing the right job in terms of leadership, or if you could be a potential leader; here I present you something to think about and may use to get more experience; find out if you are at the right path, whether you may want to become a ⭐️ team leader.

First, let's have a look at the video below from Simon Sinek how it is measure Performance vs Trust, it inspired me and I definitely based my article on that:

Simon Sinek

Great, so you learned about 🤯 Performance x Trust.

But how do I measure Trust?
For Trust, there is a common formula:

Credibility + Reliability + Intimacy / Self-Orientation.

Let’s ask those questions about Bob(in your Team A):

  • How credible is Bob (1 to 10)
  • How reliable is Bob (1 to 10)
  • How well do I know Bob (1 to 10)
  • Is Bob self-oriented, meaning Bob think about others or only think about himself? (1 to 10 *being totally self-oriented)

Ok, so let’s do the same exercise to all people in the team, so now you have all the scores for ⭐️Trust.

Let’s think now about 🔥Performance, some questions are as the example below, from 1 to 10, however, if you know your team well, it is easier to think about a number.

  • How good is the person technical abilities
  • How agile is the person in solving challenges
  • How good is the communication

👉By the end of the whole exercise, you should have something like the diagram below, created by yourself alone or with your direct report, if you are a manager of managers:

Great, so from the image above, what we can see:

  • Alice is our best choice for a leader, high performing and high-trust from you and the team
  • Steve working to become a leader
  • John, great technically, but lacking in Trust, meaning he could improve his soft skills and work better/together with the team. John situation can be a tricky one for managers, as it could be interpreted as the lead, delivering a high quantity of work and fast with good quality, however not contributing to the growth of the team, creating a Hero culture.
  • Tom needs serious consideration, not performing well and not being trustable by the team

Hope you enjoyed it and help you to choose wisely your leader. I did this exercise some time ago, it definitely helped me to see who were the leaders for my projects and start a conversation with the managers on that.

Remember it does not mean it will work 100% of the time, but it can give you a really good insight. ⚠️

Enjoyed, leave a clap! 👏



Jeff Cechinel

🇧🇷🇬🇧 Head of Software Development as a hobby. Dad of a gorgeous girl and a 🐺 Border Collie. BJJ Black belt, Poker Player.